
The place where you clean up, needs cleaned up too!

Showers and Bathtubs

With daily use,  these can collect a build-up of dirt and soap scum. We use a non-scratch pad and bathroom spray to clean all the surfaces then rinse away the dirt and grim. We also wipe down the outside. You will love the clean feel of your shower after our team has been there.

Sinks and Mirrors

Washing hands, brushing teeth, putting on your make-up, washing away paint from the latest craft project, or shaving, there are so many ways your sink works for you everyday. We will fill the sink with warm water and bathroom spray. Using a microfiber cloth, we will wipe the counter, spot check the fronts of the cabinets, and even spot check the baseboards close to the area for any grime. We will polish the mirror and get rid of all the splatters. After the area is clean,  we clean out the sink and polish your faucets. Your sink is ready to go to work for you again!

Toilet Area

The toilet has the most nasty job of the bathroom but it doesn’t have to BE nasty. We will take a disinfectant wipe and wipe the toilet from top to bottom then dry the toilet with a paper towel. We will use a toilet brush on the inside. We will also keep the baseboards around the toilet area clean. How will you know your toilet area has been cleaned? Look at the toilet paper roll and you will know the Assured Cleaning Team has been there today!